
Geary is a lightweight email client for gnome desktop. To install geary in fedora 17 run the following commands as root

#wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d  http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/thm/geary/fedora-geary.repo

#yum install geary

While i was working on the project onspot_v2, i came across with a specific need. onspot_v2 makes use of the django admin interface for data entry. When employees are entering data, ‘branch’ field in the form will get populated automatically as per the branch of the employee. When a manager is entering data using the form, an extra field should appear to select the ‘branch’ instead of automatically populating. Googling didn’t help much. Finally i thought of overriding the ModelAdmin.add_view() method which is invoked when you try to add an entry using the admin. I changed the editable property of the field ‘branch’ inside after checking the request.user and it worked out. Part of my code in admin.py

from django.contrib import admin
from books.models import Agent, PolicyIssue

class PolicyIssueAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def add_view(self, request, form_url='', extra_context=None):
        if request.user.get_profile().is_employee:
            self.model.branch.field.editable = False
            self.model.branch.field.editable = True
        return super(PolicyIssueAdmin, self).add_view(request, form_url)

admin.site.register(PolicyIssue, PolicyIssueAdmin)

With the WA3002G4 wireless router i got recently from my friend i made a wifi hotspot in home. Haven’t been downloading a lot since my script to reboot old teracom router was not working with the new one.Thinking that I should do something on the day which will come only in every four years I modified the old script to work with the new wireless router and I am sharing it here.

#!/usr/bin/env expect

set username admin
set pass admin
set host

spawn telnet ${host}

expect -re "Login:"
send "${username}\r"

expect -re "Password:"
send "${pass}\r"

expect -re "Main Menu"
send "13\r"
send "1\r"
expect eof